The Feelings are having a quarrel amongst themselves. If you want to know what they're quarreling about, jump into today's post. Happy: I am the best, you know, because most of the time I'm in everybody. Sad: Waaahhhhhhh!!!!! You always tease me, because you hate me. But my people never do, they love me. My usage by them is 100% popular. You don't know! Angry: Just stay quiet! You all know one man who is best at winning over people, and his power is shouting, and you know him! He's talking now.... Excitement: You all known one popular but rare leader.... And that leader is Excitement! Excitement is the new favorite of all. And I'm essential in all places. Funny: Who said you're not essential? But I am more essential then anyone. I bring happiness, which everyone likes. Happy: So Funny agrees that everyone likes me the most, so I'm the best! Funny: But I'm the one who brings you, so I am quite preferable by all. Jealousy: I'm in all people, the ...
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)