The most beloved god of all, The one who's cutest of all, The one who's story is very interesting, And we all would love to sing, His praises! Lord Vishnu's 9th avatara, His name is Krishna, The naughtiest of all! Remembered as a child! The one who recited whole Bhagvad Gita! The one who shines like a star! The one who killed wicked Kamsa, The one who played tricks on Radha, His birthday stands today! We all deeply pray! We offer him delicious sweets! We all fall onto His feet, With his favourite butter, of course! Curd - his favourite food source! Oh Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna! Happy Krishna Jayanthi!
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)