Ep. 5 - Shri Stuti Hello everyone! Welcome back! Now, in this post, probably things will get over as soon as it starts. I don't have much to explain - today, we will look into Shri Stuti - a Sloka written by Swami Desikan, when he encountered a situation similiar to the Kanakadhara stotram. A poor bhramachari boy was seeking money for his marriage and people guided him to Swami Desikan knowing very well he himself did not have money and he will be ashamed when somebody asks him for money. So this boy approached Swami Desikan unknowingly and asked for help. Swami Desikan took him to Perundevi thayar sannidhi in Kanchipuram and recited the Shri Stuti and Mahalakshmi thayar poured her Grace in the form of gold coins and the boy was immensely awestruck and fell at Swami Desikan's feet. I am adding a few lines from the sloka below. मानातीतप्रथितविभवां मङ्गलं मङ्गलानां वक्षःपीठीं मधुविजयिनॊ भूषयन्तीं स्वकान्त्या । प्रत्यक्षानुश्रविकमहिमप्रार्थनीनां प्रजानां श्रॆयॊमूर्तिं श्...
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)