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Showing posts from July, 2022

Prepare for...

  Hello everybody! Welcome to my first election. In this election, you can vote for your favourite person! And the person who wins the most votes wins! And the person who wins deserves a treat... Actually, today is not the election. Saturday will be the election. Today we will just prepare for the election - give your names in the comments and the people who give their names BEFORE WEDNESDAY will enter the main election. Don't worry, you will also get to vote, but you can't vote for yourself. All the best! And advance happy voting!

Weekly Quiz!

  Hi! You're here just in time! For what? For the quiz! What quiz? The weekly quiz! Actually no one participated in the last quiz. So, it eventually has been extended until Wednesday. Common Rules: Deadline on next Saturday  Follow the clues If you don't know, say so, but don't copy  Cross check before sending While entering answers, remember put the numbers before typing Put your name after sending  Special Rules: This is a riddle quiz, so think carefully before entering the answers. Mention the answers with the correct spelling, only then I'll be able to verify it  The riddles have small clues from which you can find the answers And let the quizzing begin! 1. What has to be broken before you use it? 2. I'm tall when I'm young, but short when I'm old. What am I? 3. What do you call a deaf bear? 4. What do you call a pig with no eyes? 5. I have space, keys, exits, but no room. What am I? And for the finale, hard question! 6. I have a branch, no fruit and no ...


  Everyone loves unicorns. Some think they have a horn, some think they have magical powers, some think they have wings... Oh my god, my list is endless. Anyways, what are these mysterious creatures that seem to attract just EVERYONE? Long long ago, so long ago, unicorns first appeared in the Mesopotamian artworks, and most people believe that they were mythological characters of India and China. The Greeks have discripted it with one horn and wings, though the  wings are exceptional. This discovery was made by a historian called Ctesias. Are you a unicorn believer? I am! Because I have proof. Some archeologists have found fossils of unicorns - or had found - or are finding? I don't know. But they are real. Most unicorns are found in China, India, Africa, the Middle East and USA. Unicorns appear different to all of us - one colour to one and another colour to another. But they're very rare - so it's hard to spot them. But then, guess what, unicorns aren't what I have in...

I Don't know The Heading To This!! (But it's very important though)

  I don't know the heading to this post! But that doesn't matter. The outer cover of the post doesn't matter. But what it has inside does. Same way, our outer cover doesn't matter. Our behaviour, nature and our feeling do matter. Everyone in school calls me short and makes fun of me. Infact, I am the shortest in class. I felt very upset. But I didn't let them get to me. Being short tells everyone who I really am. And I'm happy because of that. Imagine, everyone being the same. Will it be nice? No! So, why make fun of someone's personality? Being short, tall, fat, skinny, brown, fair etc is your personality. Without it, you won't be yourself. But anyways, our outer cover never matters. Our behaviour and feelings and whatever is inside us does. Is our outer cover going to help or hurt anybody? Or shall I ask, is it even going to do anything? No, right? Only our behaviour does. So why do you have to even worry about it? Being nice to one another and using k...

The Poem of the Thing which Crunches While Working

  They give a splash of colours to pics, Because they do that, they're more like a fix. A crunchy sound they make while work, Are you interested to learn their perks? They are mostly used for outlining, Sharpie and Camel are some of the brand names. They come in shades blue and red, Purple and pink, and there are more, I said. But don't colour too much! They might leave an impression, Letting you know that there was an  Inksplosion (usage of too much ink), Sometimes the Inksplosion makes the page tear, Then the poor book cover will have nothing to wear! What are these things? Crunching while working, Making Inksplosions, causing those things to sink? Oh, I really really want to know! What these things are. So, do you know? They are the colourful schetchpens, you see, I wish I was a part of the colourful schetchpen family!

Happy B'day Haritha

  She's my best friend, She is the world's trend! Her bday stands today, Oh we all shout hooray, Hip hip hooray, For Haritha! Happy Birthday Haritha! I have many many gifts for you! Candies,lolipops, And Barbie dolls too! And a loving poem just for you, And birthday wishes too! What's your favourite colour? Pink or red or blue? Whatever colour you like, I like it too! Because you're my bestest friend! Because you're the world's best trend! Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Haritha!!!!!

I am Not Sleepy and I Will Not go To Bed - Book Review

  Helloo! This is one of my first book reviews. I actually didn't know which book to write about. But here, a have a funny yet simple story (not a chapter book). It is I am Not Sleepy and I Will Not go To Bed. This story is from the series of Charlie and Lola, written by Lauren Child. As you see, every book from this particular series starts with Charlie, the elder sister of Lola reciting a story about her cheeky sister, Lola. In every story, Lola throws a tantrum for some reason. Other such books are I will Not Go to School, I will Not Eat a Tomato, etc. The Cover describes the naughtiness of Lola and the clueless Charlie, thinking of what to do. You can clearly see that Lola is naughty by looking at what she is doing. In this story, Lola doesn't want to go to sleep. But her sister Charlie tries her best by convincing Lola in many ways.  Charlie convinced Lola by telling her that she'll be getting Pink Milk for the night. Lola tells Charlie that she'll be awake at 10, ...

Weekly Quiz!

  I almost forgot.... Today's the quiz! And Divashini made her choice. She wanted a Shriyanago passage, and questions. So, as your command, I shall post it! Common Rules: Deadline on next Saturday Follow the clues If you don't know, say so, but don't copy  Cross check before sending While entering answers, remember put the numbers before typing Put your name after sending  Special Rules: Read the passage carefully before answering The questions might be in English, but yours must be in Shriyanago If you don't know the answer, say so, but don't copy Enter only the answers  And let the quizzing begin! Passage: Ecno ereht saw a elahw. Eh saw a eulb elahw. Eno yad, ti tem a diamrem. Reh enam saw Titi. Titi devol ot edir eht elahw. Eno yad, yeht htob dedneirfeb a hsif dellac Mimi. Eht elahw, Titi dna Mimi emaceb tseb sdeirf.  1. What was the name of the mermaid? 2. What was the name of the fish? 3. Did the whale have a name? 4. What was the colour of the whale? 5. Ti...

Weekly Results!

  It's time for the results! Of what? The quiz! What quiz? The emoji quiz! Only a few people participated, so, we won't have any winners. But the participants are still lucky, because they get to choose what I should be posting next!  A1. Sleepy head  A2. Sunday  A3. Cat food  A4. Computer scientist A5. Tomato soup  Hard question  A6. World Emoji Day  And the only participant, Divashini, gets that prize! Let me know in the comments. And don't forget to tune in for the weekly quiz coming tomorrow! Bye!

The Things which Shimmer and Shine and Glitter and Glimmer

  They shimmer and glimmer, they glitter and shine, They probably came from an old mine? In a box they sleep, with a name labelled on top, While asleep they shimmer, they never stop. Diamonds and pearls hug them tight, Why do they do that? Though that is a nice sight, They are of different colours and sizes, just like us, But they have wierd names, like gold, silver, but those colours rust! Some people call them necklaces, But some call them bangles. They are of different species, I guess, And pearls and diamonds and rubies - are their dress! They come from a hub called "GRT", Well, not always, that's just a 'mostly'. Gold and diamonds - what could they be? Jewellery they are, nothing else, you see.

The Poem of the Thing which Stops at the Sea

  A merry song it sings and dances, In squiggles, zig zags, lines, and trances. It runs so wildly, it won't stop, Until it reaches the sea - its stop. Making a noise, similiar to laughing, It flows through summer, autumn and spring. But winter's the only time it tends to stop, Frozen like a statue, it'll turn as slippery as a wet mop. A glimmer, shimmer it will wear, We can ride a boat without oars, I swear! Because of the force it has within, Very cool it is, and drinkable, I swear. It goes through the woods, shimmering prettily, And at last stops at the salty sea. It's the gleaming river, why didn't you guess! After all, water is the very best!

Weekly Quiz!

  And you've arrived just in time. Get ready for our first quiz! Today, being world emoji day, I have a very special emoji quiz waiting for you! Common Rules: Do not cheat Deadline on next Saturday Follow the clues If you don't know, say so, but don't copy  Cross check before sending While entering answers, remember put the numbers before typing Put your name after sending  Special Rules: Look at the emojis and find the word ➕ Indicates the place where the two emojis join to make a word The finale question is the hard one, so watch it Let the quizzing begin! 1.πŸ₯±➕πŸ‘€ 2.🌞➕πŸ“† 3.😺➕πŸ₯£ 4.πŸ–₯️➕πŸ‘©‍πŸ”¬ 5.πŸ…➕🍲 And for the finale, hard question!! 🌐➕😊➕πŸ“† And, as today it's a special quiz, as the ending, i have a surprise..... πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€©πŸ₯³πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚πŸ˜‹πŸ˜›πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ€ͺπŸ˜‡πŸ˜Š☺️πŸ˜ŒπŸ€ πŸ€‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ€“πŸ‘»πŸ€‘πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜» Always remember to be as happy as these cuties.....

Reading and writing - They don't stop!

  Hey! Don't close this website yet, because reading and writing never stops with me! Been a month since you got anything to read, and to me, anything to write. Well, you just got a small something to read yesterday. That's no big deal, of course. Just something you get always. But then, all the normal and usual thoughts where spread away from my mind, and I got this thought of posting quizzes more often, 'cause most of you like those. But this time it's gonna be too hard to handle! So watch your brain. And guess, what, the even bigger treat is that I'll be posting quizzes just EVERY Sunday! But that doesn't mean the musings will change to only quizzes; I'll continue posting stories, poems, write ups, and anything else from your suggestions. And for extra info, just open one of my post links, and click on the 'Home' button above the posts. Then you'll be lead to the main page where on top there'll be three more pages: 'Home', 'Ide...

The Man Who's Ears Grew

There was once a boy named Eary. He had very tiny ears, almost as tiny as a seed. But when Eary grew, his ears where still so small, now smaller than an ant, and probably in the future will be as small as..... something smaller than an ant, I should say, because I don't think there is something smaller than an ant. On day, Eary went on an amusing field trip with his friends. He went to a science lab.  They first passed the hallroom, though science labs shouldn't have one. Then they passed the tool room, which was filled with all sorts of tools. Next, they passed the chemical room, where the Scientists stored their chemicals. Eary gazed at the colourful chemicals, as his class went to the next room. Eary was so satisfied by the colour of each chemical. One shined with yellow spots, one glittered with blue bubbles, one shimmered as ripples formed, and one was fizzling so loudly that even Eary's tiny ears found it so loud to bear.  He stared at the green chemical, which was st...