In the present
NOT in your whimsies
Because in your own mystical world
That is trapped within your own mind
Anything can happen
Absolutely ANYTHING
But, it was never meant to be REAL.
See, there's no fault in wishing
Simply brooding over and hoping
What things might be
Rather than what things are.
But it does not do to try to make them real.
You see, the weight of each moment that passes by
Every second that you let slip
See, it's heavy, it's heavy to carry and alter.
Every little, seemingly unimportant moment
In your life
Well, it depends on an even more insignificant
Yet significant frame in your life's animation.
And absolutely nothing lies within your control
Or your notice
So it does not do
To try to make the very little things happen.
But what if I tell you,
What if I tell you that there is another universe
Not just any universe, but one parallel to us
Our mirror, yet doesn't completely reflect ours
Another beautiful universe, with another beautiful you
And maybe even a universe
Where your fantasies are true.
I'll let you brood over that fact,
I'll let you ponder more about
What might be,
But keep this sharp note in mind:
The more certainty and belief, the more joyful and alive reveries.
Beautiful poem pattu kutty!! You’ve touched upon a very interesting concept of parallel universe! Parallel universe is no more a fictitious concept, though it may seem so at the moment. Quantum mechanics suggests that the cause and effect of anything that we do today at this moment in this universe might have n different results in n different parallel universes. Alas, it is still a conceptual theory in science and till proven otherwise , we still have to live with the fact that there are no do overs , there are no backsies, there are no different consequences to our actions. As you rightly said, wasting time on brooding over the ‘what-if’s’ and ‘only ifs’ will only waste our time in the universe that we are living in currently! Best is to not ponder over what could’ve been , but accept the reality and move on with our life!!
ReplyDeleteThis is very matured writing da kanna! You never cease to amaze me with the kind of elevated thought process that you demonstrate in your poems!! Keep writing da pattu !!
Loads of love,
Shyam Aunty
Iam wondering how such a high philosophy enter into your mind and come out as High standard words. Life gives us experience and for your age you are able to think and express your experience with valuable message. Feeling proud about you. May God bless you.
Pushpa patti