Forlorn twinkling dots Adorned the black night sky And three stars in one row Shone eccentrically, apart from the rest And right below the trio A rather lonely duo. And a bit above the three, Orion's action-figure pose indeed, As the one constellation flickered, Together, utterly, As half of the others Remained submerged in an array of clouds. And that one star in Orion That shone along with, yet alone, Betelgeuse, as bright as a planet, Does it still breathe, or are the assumptions true? Is it a supernova, betelgeuse? Will we find out, if it still remains? My, so many thoughts , And queries Race up to my mind. How many more things out there, Waiting to be discovered? Will we discover all of them, Before our timeline to extinction? Does time have a beginning, or an end? Is our universe just one of many? So we actually exist, or are we just holograms? And as I stare at the mysterious sky, All I can do is wonder, How? How did this all come into ex...
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)