As I gaze into the vast, dark sky I notice the bright, shining moon Surrounded by the small speck-like stars, It seems alone, in a state of gloom. Ignored by the proud specks, Left alone in the darkness. But the moon will not sulk in the shadows, Instead it will fight and dominate The stars with its brighter glow. The moon might be neglected, And it may rest alone in its arena, But it will not let loneliness shroud it, And it will glow stronger, brighter, greater than The stars. And the first thing we see, When we peer into the night sky, Is the moon, to its fullest size, Shining bold and bright. No matter what obstacle Laid in front of it All the moon does, Is shine and overcome it. You can shine bright, Like the moon in the sky, Never get overshadowed, Because it's YOU who has light.
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)