I have an empty mind, Nothing I can think about. Nothing I can write about, Nothing I can speak about. I'm trying hard to write, I'm trying hard to cook a poem Nothing I can write in spite Of everything thing that's happening around. But I will not give up, I will go on I will write and write I know that I should keep going on. Because I know that it's worth all the tries, I know that I might fail many times But that doesn't mean I should give up and leave, Because there is a path I have to cleave. Only if I try, I will know what not to do I have to do what I must do, to get through If I finish what I have to do, I will find what I want. And in the end I will be grateful For what I have done. This is a note to self And to you too, Don't just give up and go, Because there's more to do. Finish what you want to complete, And then you can find your seat Don't give up just yet, 'Cause this is your story.
Random thoughts - poems - stories - ramblings - drawings - scribbles - musings - chatter - of a 12 year old kid. :)